
Building an integrated Smart Health sector

Story of the project


Although Covid-19 Pandemic being a global-level catastrophic event specially from public health and socio-economic aspects, yet it had its own positive side as a harsh wakeup call for societies both as organizations and individuals to understand that successfully establishing a sustainable and inclusive development model necessitates achieving a rapid increase resilience capacity in vital sectors (health, education, infrastructure, logistics and supply chain) through various types and categories of crises.

Despite the fact that health sector had been the origin of various concepts in informatics field, from global data standardization to Big-data, yet it still remains highly underdeveloped especially in areas of digital maturity (e.g. digitalization) and business process engineering (e.g. dynamic program model) which has a severe negative impact on the overall healthcare system performance in terms of service quality, coverage, effectiveness, governance, R & D, and rapid crisis response capacity and which in turn raises an excessive and urgent need to transform this vital sector into a smart data-driven sector one … an extremely challenging mission of which N-Circle is specifically designed to achieve.

What is N-Circle

Founded upon a universal framework of scientific health informatics standards from HL7 to district-level PHEM cycle protocols, N-Circle is a multilayer health informatics engine providing high-precision data engineering services for managing health facilities (hospitals, clinics, radiological and pathological diagnostics & testing labs, long-term care & rehabilitation centers) on both strategic and operational levels through utilizing a combination of IOT, dynamic Micro-services architecture, cloud computing and rapid business process engineering.

Key Features

N-Circle comes with a powerful set of digital services and tools which are serving the field of digital public health, key compenents include:

>> ER Beacon

Search engine service providing real-time information of available ER resources in each hospital mainly focusing on ICUs, Diagnostic Radiology Equipment, vital medical supplies, resident specialists and mobility assets

>> Smart Diagnostics Platform (SDP)

Dedicated to produce high precision automated interpretation of medical measurement, testing and scanning equipment’s data (generating a full diagnosis report in less than 30 seconds). SPD is an integrated set of e-health digital services, APIs and toolkits and FPGA hardware endpoints creating a reliable streamlined data flow from medical measurement and testing equipment to ML-driven diagnostics engine.

>> Facility Manager

Presenting an innovative business process automation architecture through a unified informatics lifecycle covering a variety of healthcare facility activities (technical health operations, administration, finance, compliance and governance, logistics) served by a single suite of digital health solutions equipped with built-in integration with more than over 80 different business solutions suites widely used in the market.

>> Health Intelligence 360 (HI-360)

A pioneer data ecosystem providing data engineering services specifically designed to solve complex challenges of health data from data formats (e.g. HL7, CCR,CCD) transformation through semantics-based clinical data quality governance up to data pipelining serving analytical applications (business intelligence, machine learning and artificial intelligence) utilizing a SAAS cloud computing model coupled with highly dynamic API micro-services architecture covering wide spectrum of health data including electronic medical records (EMR), health Surveys, clinical research trials, district-level disease registries, administrative data, claims data.

>> Collaboration Communication Center (3C)

This project focuses on design, development and management of a comprehensive online digital base serving technical knowledge management and exchange for medical sciences community on both levels as individuals (college students, health workers/professionals, R&D experts and senior health sector executives) and organizations (regulators, service providers, academia, research institutions and NGOs) founded upon 3 key pillars:
- Central interactive hub for exchanging knowledge & expertise sharing regarding best practices between health workers, professionals, researchers and organizational executives.
- An e-learning endpoint backed with streamlined data (textual, multimedia, computer generated AR/VR) from various data sources including Academia (e.g. lectures, research papers) medical sciences publications (e.g. EMHJ, Nature Biology), industry leaders’ discoveries (e.g. new technological breakthroughs), and health authorities standards & regulations documentations.
- Research and Development management, collaboration and coordination center powered by top quality clinical data sets with very high precision, variance, volume and update frequency.

>> District Level Emergency System (DLES)

This project targets the design, development, maintenance, sustainable operation and continual enhancement of public health hazards control platform based on a solid powerful framework of advanced informatics technologies, techniques, methodologies, practices based on 2 dimensions as following:
1) Providing health authorities with advanced data engineering tools to facilitate development of a highly reliable and flexible data ecosystem serving strategic crisis data-preparedness utilizing a continuous multilayer health data collection and management generating a very detailed view for the entire healthcare system’s operational quality in terms of performance, coverage (geography & population), capacity and extensibility based on a combination of key factors including resources (health workers, medical equipment, facilities, finance), Logistics and supply chains (blood banks’ reserves, pharmaceutical products).
2) Developing a rapid response system through highly effective coordination between different actors including government (ministries and regulatory institutions), private sector (pharmaceutical companies, private clinics/hospitals, medical equipment producers), Academia (universities and research centers), NGOs (unions of health workers/professionals , foundations, international humanitarian organizations)